Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blooms Dale Spinach

Blooms dale spinach is thick and a dark plant and are sweet in salads. The plant is very savored also meant as crumbled. The blooms-dale spinach great food source it is nutritious and keeps you strong. Spinach grows  well in the winer and  late spring. It mostly grows in Northern Europe. It need to have full sun or part of the sun. The hight is eight to ten inches it also takes forty to forty-eight to mature. The steam has a sweet flavor and succulent texture. Spinach is a very popular veggie and it lives for at least a year. It can stand the cold but not the heat. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Salad Bowl Red Lettuce

Red bowl lettuce is the main ingredient to salad. It has red or green leaves and grows well in all seasons. It is slow to grow, and it can grow up to 15 inches. It also needs little water. It has sweet flavored leaves it releases up to 100 seeds at a time used to make soup.It is loose leaf non heading. It is a member of the sunflower family.The Romans are credited with finding it It can spread 6 inches. Red salad bowl has oak in tossed salad. Plants make large rosettes. Long-standing, slow to bolt, can be harvested over period of time. Harvest in about 50 day. We produce over 40 million lbs. of lettuce over 1 month. An average a,Erica's consumes 26 lbs. of lettuce every year. Over twenty million servings of salad are consumed every week. Red salad bowl lettuce is a great addition to any garden. It produces sweet flavored, tender, deep red and finely divided leaves. Is variety will no go bitter and is heat tolerant. Red lettuce seeds can be started indoors four weeks before the last frost date. For a continual harvest sow new seeds every 2 weeks. Red salad bowl lettuce is ready to eat in twenty eight days for the baby leaves, or for the full size leaves it takes around fifty one to fifty eight days. 

Salad Bowl Lettuce

This vegetable takes 28 days to become a baby takes 50 days to become full size the cakleaf type full to part sun good soil steady water and feeding cool season vegetable for salads, slow to bolt. The nutritional value of lettuce varies with the variety. In general, lettuce has small amounts of dietary fibers and some carbohydrates, a little protein and a trace of fat. Iceberg is a head lettuce that is very low in nutritional value and flavor. The most abundant nutrient in iceberg lettuce is water. Dark green lettuce leaves always indicate higher fiber, flavor and nutritional value. The most important nutrients in lettuce are vitaminA and potassium. The vitaminA comes from beta carotene (beta carotene is converted to vitaminA in the body). Scientists are constantly breeding different types of lettuce. The chief diseases of lettuce include bottom rot, doyny, mildew, and lettuce drop. Crop rotation and chemical treatment of the soil help prevent these diseases.Another disease, tip burn, may be caused by too much heat or humidity. Scientests have developed types of lettuce that resist tip burn. These types include minetto and Fulton.

Friday, November 9, 2012


The garden looks great. We have been watering also everyday. The plants are liking the cool mornings but not the sunny afternoons. The kale especially is wilting in the full sun after school. Hopefully the cool weather this weekend will make the plants more happy. We have noticed the leaves in ALL of our plants having many little holes. Mrs. Reichele did some research and found our problem. We have flea beetles!! She bought some spray that is safe, and it is doing the trick.